
Saturday, August 6, 2022

Limerick poems.

 This term, we are going to learn about poems.

This week, we are learning about limerick poems.

At the end of the term, we will have at least know 4 types of poems.

Here are my three limerick poems I have had a little fun on.


A limerick is a type of poem that's short.

The firemen and the trucks, they saved people with lady luck, once the people were saved, the firemen bathed, The saver of the day was Chuck.

Math isn’t cool, it’ll try to get you fooled, One two three, Ain’t easy you see, Its the worst subject in school.

Limerick poems are easy, It's like mac’n cheesy, whaea Lana reckons, I learned it in seconds, I’ll think ‘em up in a breezy.

Here is an example poem we looked at in class.

Apostle Paul 

I once was a man named Saul.

I thought I knew it all.

I persecuted the church.

I went to Damascus to search.

Where Jesus transformed me into Paul.

I had lost my sight

All I could see was night.

I heard Jesus’s voice.

I made Him my choice.

Praise the Lord, I saw the Light.